






2020-08-10/ 阿城新闻网/ 查看: 214/ 评论: 10


1911年辛亥革命胜利后,清帝退位,中华民国成立。中国民主主义革命的先驱者孙中山就任中华民国临时大总统,并在颁布的“临时大总统令”中提出要“另刊新模,鼓铸纪念币”,随后武昌和南京两处造币厂率先铸行了 “中华民国开国纪念币”铜元辅币,以十文面值的为主,在全国大量发行以取代清朝铜元。1914年,铜元正式改称“铜币”,民国发行的铜币与清最大的区别是龙纹被换成了由稻穗组成的嘉禾纹。


After the victory of the 1911 Revolution in 1911, the Qing emperor abdicated and the Republic of China was established. Sun Yat-sen, a pioneer of the Chinese democratic revolution, became the interim president of the Republic of China, and in the promulgated "Interim Presidential Decree", he proposed to "publish new models and cast commemorative coins", followed by the two mints in Wuchang and Nanjing. The "Commemorative Coin for the Founding of the Republic of China" copper yuan auxiliary coins were minted, mainly in ten denominations, and issued in large numbers throughout the country to replace the Qing Dynasty copper yuan. In 1914, the copper yuan was officially renamed "copper coins". The biggest difference between the copper coins issued in the Republic of China and the Qing Dynasty was that the dragon pattern was replaced with a golden grain pattern composed of rice ears.


随着收藏投资热的不断升温,铜币也日渐走俏,且价格一路上扬。尤其是珍品铜币,在藏品交易市场上表现异常活跃,也取得十分漂亮的成交记录。钱币其貌可人,也具有一定的保值和升值功能。随着收藏投资热的不断升温,铜币在钱币市场中异常火爆,铜币今后极大可能成为收藏投资领域中的一匹“黑马”,此组钱币直径:4.35cm 44cm重:24g、23.75g。钱币反面图案外围上方是“中华民国二年”六个字,外围下方是“四川造币厂造”内围图案是稻穗组成的嘉禾纹,中央竖写“贰百文”。钱币正面图案中央为两面交叉的国旗,外环殊圈,上沿锈英文“THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”,下沿锈英文“200 CASH”。


As the enthusiasm for collection and investment continues to heat up, copper coins are also becoming more popular, and prices are rising all the way. In particular, the precious copper coins have been extremely active in the collection trading market and have also achieved very beautiful transaction records. Coins are attractive in appearance and have certain functions of preservation and appreciation. As the enthusiasm for collection and investment continues to heat up, copper coins are extremely popular in the coin market. Copper coins are likely to become a "dark horse" in the field of collection and investment in the future. The diameter of this group of coins: 4.35cm, 44cm, weight: 24g, 23.75g. The upper part of the coin's reverse pattern is the six characters "The Second Year of the Republic of China", and the lower part is "Made by the Sichuan Mint." On the front of the coin, there is a national flag crossed on both sides in the center, with a special ring on the outer ring, the English "THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA" on the upper edge and the English "200 CASH" on the lower edge.




The collection is well preserved, its color is natural, the patina is thick, there is a slight rust color, and the text patterns appear natural and delicate, and the shades are appropriate. According to relevant information, the Sichuan military government copper coins, due to the large number of casters, a short casting period, and the changing of molds during the casting period, are extremely complicated, with no fewer than a hundred types of copper coins. In addition, this copper coin is a rare wrong version of the coin, which is extremely rare in the world and has high collection and investment value. The double flag coins of the Republic of China are so precious, and there is no single coin with wrong version. The printing angle of the pattern on the front of this coin has a big deviation, and it can even be said that the entire double-flag coin pattern is a bit upside down. How rigorous the coin production is, this double-flag coin, which has been passed down to this day, is something you can't find. This coin has gone through the years and is an extremely rare wrong version of the double-flag coin. The rust on it has also witnessed its historical accumulation. It has a very obvious historical transitional feature, and at the same time has recognized historical value, artistic value and collection value.





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